Members: Recruit a New Member, Get a VFW Coin

Wanted: Motivated, dedicated and passionate members to recruit just one new member each.

VFW values all its members and their continued support to the nation’s largest war veteran’s organization. The question often asked is: why is membership so important? And who is responsible for recruiting and retaining our members? The answer is you.

According to VA’s website, , the nation’s veteran’s population is more than 22 million. We can assume that about 45% are VFW-eligible, or about 10 million. We also can assume that these veterans are in your local communities, and we ask for you to reach out to them and ask them to join.

The Membership Department is asking for your help by going out and recruiting one new member. This message was sent out in the November/December magazine and sent to 1.5 million members. If each person just recruits one member, we can grow and be a stronger organization. Contact your family, neighbors, co-workers and church members and ask them to share your pride in VFW.

Last year, we came very close to reaching our membership goals. We have 7,641 Posts worldwide. Of those Posts, 1,901 recruited no new members, 3,224 had no reinstatements and 1,644 had no new or reinstated members. This equates to no growth. We must do better. By filling out this application, your new member will become a Department member-at-large. Once a card is issued, he or she may transfer to a local Post, if desired. Remember, dues are only $35.

If your new member wishes to become a life member and go on the installment plan, then please be advised that to start the plan it costs $35.00. The next installment will be the price on the chart according to age.

This offer will run from Jan. 1, 2011, through March 31, 2011.

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