Were You Stop Lossed?

There are millions of dollars waiting to be claimed by service members and veterans who were stop lossed, and time is running out!
Those eligible must submit their claim by Oct. 21, 2010.

The 2009 War Supplemental Appropriations Act established Retroactive Stop Loss Special Pay (RSLSP), providing $500 for each month/partial month served in stop loss status. Service members, veterans, and beneficiaries of service members whose service was involuntarily extended under Stop Loss between Sept. 11, 2001 and Sept. 30, 2009 are eligible for RSLSP.

To receive this benefit, those who served under stop loss must submit a claim for the special pay. Throughout the year, the services have been reaching out to service members, veterans and their families through direct mail, veteran service organizations, and the media.
But there is still money left to be claimed, and the deadline is approaching. We're reminding all service members who are eligible to submit a claim for the benefit available to them. The average benefit is $3,700.

Tell a Friend
We are also asking all current service members to 'tell a friend' – if you know someone who separated/retired and may be eligible for this benefit, remind them to submit a claim before the deadline!

Note on Eligibility

Effective Dec. 19, 2009, per the Defense Appropriations Act, stop-lossed service members who voluntarily reenlisted or extended their service, and received a bonus for such reenlistment or extension of service, became no longer eligible to receive retroactive stop loss special pay.



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