Vietnam Veteran Finally Gets Burial

COLORADO SPRINGS - Air Force Major John Carroll was finally reunited with is wife Beverly on Tuesday. 

At the age of 32, Carroll was shot down over Laos in 1972 during his service in Vietnam. Despite eyewitness accounts of him suffering a fatal wound, he was listed as Missing In Action for decades. 

During that time Beverly Carroll died of cancer and was buried at the Air Force Academy's cemetery. On Tuesday, her husband was buried next to her. 

"This is where he wanted to be, this is where she wanted to be and they're now together," said Carroll's mother Mary Hancock. Hancock says her daughter-in-law wanted to be buried at the Academy's cemetery in hopes that one day her husband could be laid to rest beside her. That recently became possible after the U.S. military recovered and identified Carroll's remains near the crash site. In Carroll's case, the remains were two teeth. 

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