
Showing posts from 2017

Post 2667 is an All-State Post for 2016-2017

Congratulations to everyone who helped make this honor possible. You all rock! VFW Post 2667 (that's us) has once again be recognized as an All-State Post for 2016-2017.  Commander John Skinner and Quartermaster Bob Ward were also recognized as Co-Captains of the All-State team! They wear the hats but the Post is being recognized. Great job!

Mr Charles Gets His Quilt of Valor

Comrade Charles Kennedy receives his Quilt of Valor from the Coweta County Quilts of Valor.  He wrote a poem for them to describe his appreciation. 

Memorial Day 2017

  It was a great day as we remembered those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our nation.  Richard Stender once again emcee'd the program as we  remembered Coweta County's WWI Honor Roll. It's 100 years since they went off to fight in the War to end all wars . Afterwards we opened the Coweta Veterans Club to the public where they got to share lunch with local veterans. Here's a few of the people who showed up.  We offer a big thanks to everyone who donated, worked, and supported the program.

Newnan High School History Presents Check to Support Local Veterans

The Newnan High School History Department presented a check from their Veterans Support 5k held on Armed Forces Day. They presented a check for $12,000 to help support local veterans. Steve Quesinberry and Frankie Henderson present the check to VFW Post 2667 Commander John Skinner during our Memorial Day program.

Buddy Poppy Drive - Vietnam Charter Stewardess

One of the great things about Buddy Poppy drives is the chance to get out in the community and meet people. This young lady spent years as a stewardess and, for a while, worked charter flights taking soldiers to & from Vietnam. Flights to Vietnam were understandably quiet. But she said the flights home, when she would announce they were in US airspace, would have the plane rocking with enthusiasm and excitement.

Placing Flags on the Graves of Veterans

Thanks to everyone who came out to help us place flags on the graves of local veterans. This is just some of those who came to help out.

East Coweta HS JROTC Awards Ceremony

Commander John Skinner presented awards at the East Coweta HS Marine Corps JROTC awards tonight. As usual, they put on an outstanding progrom.

Big Thanks to Burger King for their Support

Burger King is a national sponsor of the VFW's Unmet Needs program. Since 2007, Burger King franchisees and their customers have contributed over $4.3 million to the VFW Unmet Needs program. Their generosity has been put to work, directly assisting more than 4,100 veterans and military families who came face-to-face with unexpected financial difficulties. #ThankBK

Newnan HS History's Veteran's Relief 5k - Wow!

At last count we had at least 27 VFW and Auxiliary members out here running, walking, working, supporting... And that doesn't count the Legion, SAL, Legion Aux and Marine Corps League members. Great turn out!

Post Officer Installations

Past All-State Post 2667 Commander Willis Byrd installs Post officers for the 2017-2018 year. Show are Post Commander John Skinner, Post Sr Vice Commander-Elect Doug Roberson and Post Jr Vice Commander Tom Fetchet. Congratulations All!

Auxiliary Installation

Auxiliary officers for 2017-18 ready to be installed... Pictured are Christina Mathis, Auxiliary President (installing), Carla Krajna-Cane - Sr Vice President, Russ Mathis, Jr Vice President, Jenni Parnell - Treasurer, Janet Alford - Secretary, Sharon Harkins - Chaplain, Jenny Schmidt - Conductress, and Brandy Swentor - Trustee. 

Keller-Williams RED Day Improves Playground

Keller-Williams chose the Veterans Club playground for their RED Day project and we are very thankful. Great job KW! Thank-you! They also made some improvements to our "shed" and cleaned up the stage/deck.

Teachers of the Year Recognized at School Board Meeting

Congratulations to Samantha Clark, Arnall Middle School and John Garner, Newnan High School for being Teacher of the Year for VFW Post 2667 in Newnan. Both won at Post, District and State Levels. Jr. Vice Commander Tom Fetchet presented them with their District Awards at the School Board Meeting. (Photos by Janet Alford, VFW Auxiliary 2667)

Fifth District Convention

Accepting awards and all our Post/Auxiliary participants at the meeting. Congratulations to Commander Skinner, our incoming District 5 Commander, and Comrade Billy Alford, the District Surgeon-Elect.

Carrollton HS JROTC Awards Ceremony

We had an excellent time at this event. Maj Hendrix & MSgt Cox manage an excellent awards program. Post Jr Vice Commander Tom Fetchet presented the awards. The two cadets in the picture are Nicol A. Vanegas, who received the Scholastic Excellence, and Jeremy A. Collins, who received the Military Excellence award. Well done, cadets!

National Day of Prayer

Comrades Jack Howard (pictured) and Steve Parker presented the Colors at the Newnan/Coweta County National Day of Prayer at Wadsworth Auditorium. (also pictured, Cheree Stevens from the Daughters of the American Revolution [DAR]).

Helping to Send Children to Camp Corral

Post Surgeon Billy Alford at Golden Corral collecting for Camp Corral - a week at camp for children of wounded, ill, injured or fallen military families. Only a few weeks left to reach our local goal of sending 10 children. Please stop by and help.

Newnan HS JROTC Awards Ceremony


May 1st is Loyalty Day

Did you know that May 1st is Loyalty Day in the USA? Celebrate your love of our country!

Auxiliary Delivers Desserts to Public Safety Workers

VFW Auxiliary 2667 members Janet Alford, Jenni Parnell, and Sharon Harkins baked homemade desserts and delivered them to the Public Safety luncheon is support of the local good guys. Our Auxiliary rocks! (picture is a snap from the Newnan Times-Herald where you can find more information)

VFW Georgia State Convention - June 15-18

This will be an exciting convention for Post 2667! Our teachers will be recognized and we have officers involved in the State elections! Lots of great info! Be there!

Know the Five Signs

You can help change the culture of mental health in America. If you know someone who is suffering, encourage them to get the help they deserve.

3rd Annual Wheels & Warriors Car & Bike Show


Coweta Teachers Win State VFW Contest

Two teachers in the Coweta County School System have been named Veterans of Foreign Wars 2017 Teachers of the Year for the state of Georgia. John Garner of Newnan High School and Samantha Clark of Arnall Middle School – both history teachers – were nominated for the VFW’s National Citizenship Education Teacher Award by fellow teachers. The two were awarded the honor locally by VFW Post 2667 in Newnan in February, and later won at the Georgia VFW 5th District level. This week, both teachers were notified that they had won at the state level for the respective categories – Garner at the high school level and Clark at the middle school level. The two will serve as The Georgia VFW’s nominees for national Teachers of the Year this summer. “It’s very exciting news,” said VFW Post 2667 Junior Vice Commander Thomas Fetchet. “This honor reflects well on our community, that we have such excellent teachers teaching our students. The courses they teach are patriotic in nature, and these ind...

We Just Hit 100% in Membership for the 2016-17 Year

Now it's time to shoot for 105% - Keep Recruiting! And if you haven't renewed yet, let's go!

Donna Rowe, RN - Vietnam Veteran Speaks at Newnan HS


Signing Night for NHS Military Enlistees

Newnan High School held its inaugural Military Enlistee Celebration Night at the Newnan National Guard Armory recently. The event honored NHS students who have pledged to serve in the armed forces. One senior, Andrew Lewis, had an even bigger reason to celebrate: He has been awarded a full U.S. Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps scholarship to Auburn University. Full article at  Newnan Times-Herald

Post Officers Elected for 2017-2018

At the Post meeting this morning, we elected the following Post officers for the 2017-2018 year. Commander: John Skinner Sr Vice Commander: Doug Roberson Jr Vice Commander: Tom Fetchet Quartermaster: Bob Ward Chaplain: David Jessel 1-Year Trustee: Steve Parker 2-Year Trustee: Mike Hill 3-Year Trustee: Tim Ramirez Appointments for the Year: Judge Advocate: Warren Park Surgeon: Billy Alford Adjutant: Jeff Bouchard Service Officer: Hank Berkowitz Congratulations! Officers will be installed at the May 13th meeting (we'll have pictures) and will take office immediately following the State Convention on June 18th. 

Jeff Carroll Elected VFW Dept of Georgia Judge Advocate

Past Post 2667 Commander Jeff Carroll was elected VFW Department of Georgia Judge Advocate today in a special election of the State Council of Administration. This election was necessary as State Sr Vice Commander Richard Knight stepped down due to personal issues. Post Commander John Skinner was appointed by State Commander Bill Sandberg as the State Chief-of-Staff for the remainder of the year (replacing Carroll). Jeff will finish out this year as State Judge Advocate and is running for State Jr Vice Commander, when the elections are held the weekend of June 16rh. 

Myra Coursey - Post 2667 Elementary Teacher of the Year

Our Elementary Teacher of the Year was Myra Coursey from Jefferson Parkway Elementary School. Myra is a K-5 Music Teacher who continually promotes patriotism through music to her students. She was nominated by Comrade Hannah Mercier, teacher at Jefferson Parkway Elementary School. Myra received a certificate and a monetary award. Photo by Janet Alford, VFW Auxiliary 2667

Vietnam Veterans Day - Welcome Home


Post 2667 Donates to Georgia's World War I Memorial

Left to right are VFW Georgia State Commander Bill Sandberg of VFW Post 3679 Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia World War I Centennial Commission Member Rick Elder, VFW Post 7116 Sylvania, Al Lipphardt VFW Georgia Centennial Commission Advisory Member, member VFW Post 12002 North Fulton, Georgia World War I Centennial Commission Chairman Dr. Billy Wells, University of North Georgia and VFW Georgia Sr Vice Commander Richard Attaway, VFW Post 4629 LaGrange The VFW Department of Georgia presents Georgia's World War I Centennial Commission with the 2nd installment of a $50,000 pledge at the Commission's March 22, 2017 Meeting. The image shows twenty checks from 20 posts (Post 2667's is bottom center!) of the Department totaling $17,050. When combined with $10,000 from the VFW Department of Georgia presented to the Commission.

VFW Awards Educators in Coweta

Newnan High School teacher John Garner was presented with a Veteran of Foreign Wars Teacher of the Year award earlier this week. Garner is a history teacher at the local high school and serves as the main sponsor of the History Bowl team, a sponsor of the History Club, and co-head coach of the wresting team. The VFW has recognized top educators in elementary, middle and high school since 1999, focusing on instructors who teach citizenship and promote patriotism. In addition to local and state recognition, award winners receive $2,000, divided between the educator and the school. Honorees also receive an all expenses paid trip to the national VFW Teacher of the Year conference. Social studies teacher Elizabeth Thompson of East Coweta High School also received a VFW award. Picture 1: The Veterans of Foreign Wars Teacher of the Year for the high school division was awarded to Newnan High School's John Garner, center. The award was presented by Teacher of the Year Award ...

Veterans Housing Summit


March 2017 Post Meeting

Just a little shot of the VFW and it's Auxiliary before our March meeting. Come join us!

Blue Star Marker Added to Veterans Memorial Plaza

Veterans, local leadership and Coweta residents attended the Blue Star Memorial marker dedication ceremony yesterday morning at the Veterans Memorial Plaza at the city park at Jackson Street and Temple Avenue. The installation and dedication was sponsored by Old Town Garden Club of Sharpsburg, Driftwood Garden Club, the Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. and the city. “The Blue Star marker is in honor of all who have served in the armed forces of the United States, all who are serving and all those who will serve in the future,” said Emily Wilbert, local chairman for Blue Star Markers in a previous Newnan Times-Herald interview. Full article at  Newnan Times-Herald

VFW Auxiliary Spirit Night @ Culvers in Newnan

Big shout out to Culver's of Newnan for sponsoring Spirit Night to raise money for our Auxiliary!