
Showing posts from 2012

2012 Memorial Day Program Announced - Five Gold Stars

Newnan's VFW Post 2667 Post Commander, Jeff Carroll announced the theme for the annual Memorial Day Ceremonies, to be held at Veterans' Memorial Plaza on May 28, at 11:00 AM. For the past twelve years, the ceremonies have remembered one selected service member who died in the service of our country, representing and honoring all who made the supreme sacrifice. This year, Carroll explained, the ceremony will be entitled, "Five Gold Stars," honoring five additional names recently placed on the plaza honor rolls. The Gold Star, often seen on window banners, is a symbol of the loss of a family member, killed in action. During the preparations for last year's visit of the Vietnam Healing Wall, it was discovered that there were two Vietnam KIA's from Coweta County who were overlooked on the original honor roll. They are John Dozier and Daniel Post, both of whom have surviving family members in the area. In the past two years, three Cowetans hav

Veterans Employment Seminar March 14

The first Veterans Employment Seminar of the year will be March 14 from 1-3 p.m. This seminar is among several to be held for veterans in 2012. The session will be facilitated by Peter Ludlow, manager of the Newnan office of the Georgia Department of Labor. Ludlow, along with Alan Hurd of the DOL office will be explaining the new Gold Card Veterans Preference Programs for Post-9/11 veterans that are currently available. A main concern is that post 9/11 veterans need to be aware of specific programs available to veterans through the Department of Labor. The DOL and sponsoring veterans organizations are interested to hear the issues directly from the veterans who are facing obstacles in finding employment. Hank Berkowitz, local Veterans Service Officer for the sponsoring veterans organizations, is coordinating the seminar events. "We are interested to hear from veterans whether the current DOL programs meet their needs," said Berkowitz. "We recognize that Post 9/