First Cowetan to Die in Vietnam Remembered on Memorial Day
Donald Steven Lowery, the first Cowetan to be killed in Vietnam, will be remembered at Memorial Day ceremonies in Newnan. Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2667 sponsors the annual Memorial Day program. The event will start at 11 a.m. at Veterans Memorial Plaza in the city park at Jackson Street and Temple Avenue. If it rains, the program will take place in the chapel at McKoon Funeral Home, which is adjacent to the park. VFW members distributed Buddy Poppies on Saturday -- with donations going to help needy veterans and their families. Also on Saturday, volunteers worked with VFW members to place American flags on the graves of veterans across the county. Monday's program in Newnan follows a longstanding tradition by the local VFW of "honoring all by remembering one." "This is a way of personalizing, of giving a face and spirit to the names on our honor rolls," said Commander John O'Connor of Post 2667. "If our citizens can gain a sense of the lo...