
Supporting Newnan VA Clinic and COVID Vaccines

Taking care of our Veterans this morning with COVID vaccines & snacks & water at the Newnan VA Clinic

Clothing Available for Tornado Relief

Our volunteers have been busy ensuring the clothing donations are clean or new and sorted to sizes for you.  (Or for someone you know in need) Open to public for anyone in need through Friday.   Any items remaining will be given to Coweta local charities that also will not charge for these items.  Keeping the community giving in the community.

Post 2667 Wins Department Drawing for No Expired Members

Post 2667 Newnan was selected from the posts with no expired members to receive a $100 gift certificate to the VFW Store. Let's keep rolling!

Elizabeth Thompson Wins State Teacher of the Year

East Coweta High School teacher Elizabeth Thompson , sponsored by our Post, was recognized as the co-winner of the Georgia VFW High School Teacher of the Year. Congratulations Ms. Thompson!

National CIC Membership Challenge Winner

For leading our National Division in increasing membership in December, we won $500 from VFW National. Let's keep taking care of our comrades and our community and we'll continue to grow!

First Place in Georgia Membership Division

Georgia VFW awarded us with a $100 VFW Store gift certificate for being in first place in Georgia Division 1. Great job! Keep it up!

Winner: Department Drawing

Georgia VFW drew from posts with at least 100% in membership. We won a $100 VFW Store gift certificate along with 4911 Rome, 7402 Buchanan, 7764 Reidsville, and 12190 Evans. Let's keep rolling!

A Team 105 Member Again!

Because Newnan is a leadership Post, we joined Team 105 today (105% in membership). Keep up all you are doing to help veterans in the community and to be a driving force for good!

100% Membership Today

As we continue to work membership and grow, we hit 100% in membership today.

Monthly Water Pickup for the VA Clinic

Every month we pick up and deliver water for the Newnan VA Clinic. We can always use help. Pictured: Billy Alford. Photo by Janet Alford

Post 2667 is an All-State Post for 2016-2017

Congratulations to everyone who helped make this honor possible. You all rock! VFW Post 2667 (that's us) has once again be recognized as an All-State Post for 2016-2017.  Commander John Skinner and Quartermaster Bob Ward were also recognized as Co-Captains of the All-State team! They wear the hats but the Post is being recognized. Great job!

Mr Charles Gets His Quilt of Valor

Comrade Charles Kennedy receives his Quilt of Valor from the Coweta County Quilts of Valor.  He wrote a poem for them to describe his appreciation. 

Memorial Day 2017

  It was a great day as we remembered those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our nation.  Richard Stender once again emcee'd the program as we  remembered Coweta County's WWI Honor Roll. It's 100 years since they went off to fight in the War to end all wars . Afterwards we opened the Coweta Veterans Club to the public where they got to share lunch with local veterans. Here's a few of the people who showed up.  We offer a big thanks to everyone who donated, worked, and supported the program.

Newnan High School History Presents Check to Support Local Veterans

The Newnan High School History Department presented a check from their Veterans Support 5k held on Armed Forces Day. They presented a check for $12,000 to help support local veterans. Steve Quesinberry and Frankie Henderson present the check to VFW Post 2667 Commander John Skinner during our Memorial Day program.

Buddy Poppy Drive - Vietnam Charter Stewardess

One of the great things about Buddy Poppy drives is the chance to get out in the community and meet people. This young lady spent years as a stewardess and, for a while, worked charter flights taking soldiers to & from Vietnam. Flights to Vietnam were understandably quiet. But she said the flights home, when she would announce they were in US airspace, would have the plane rocking with enthusiasm and excitement.

Placing Flags on the Graves of Veterans

Thanks to everyone who came out to help us place flags on the graves of local veterans. This is just some of those who came to help out.

East Coweta HS JROTC Awards Ceremony

Commander John Skinner presented awards at the East Coweta HS Marine Corps JROTC awards tonight. As usual, they put on an outstanding progrom.

Big Thanks to Burger King for their Support

Burger King is a national sponsor of the VFW's Unmet Needs program. Since 2007, Burger King franchisees and their customers have contributed over $4.3 million to the VFW Unmet Needs program. Their generosity has been put to work, directly assisting more than 4,100 veterans and military families who came face-to-face with unexpected financial difficulties. #ThankBK

Newnan HS History's Veteran's Relief 5k - Wow!

At last count we had at least 27 VFW and Auxiliary members out here running, walking, working, supporting... And that doesn't count the Legion, SAL, Legion Aux and Marine Corps League members. Great turn out!

Post Officer Installations

Past All-State Post 2667 Commander Willis Byrd installs Post officers for the 2017-2018 year. Show are Post Commander John Skinner, Post Sr Vice Commander-Elect Doug Roberson and Post Jr Vice Commander Tom Fetchet. Congratulations All!

Auxiliary Installation

Auxiliary officers for 2017-18 ready to be installed... Pictured are Christina Mathis, Auxiliary President (installing), Carla Krajna-Cane - Sr Vice President, Russ Mathis, Jr Vice President, Jenni Parnell - Treasurer, Janet Alford - Secretary, Sharon Harkins - Chaplain, Jenny Schmidt - Conductress, and Brandy Swentor - Trustee. 

Keller-Williams RED Day Improves Playground

Keller-Williams chose the Veterans Club playground for their RED Day project and we are very thankful. Great job KW! Thank-you! They also made some improvements to our "shed" and cleaned up the stage/deck.